Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The World Wide Web -- or is it iVillage?

The internet is indeed an amazing "dimension" -- I use dimension because it doesn't really fit within the same space/time continuum that we exist in and on the internet, you can be somebody completely different than the person you are in this space. In any case, it is through the internet that I recently reconnected with two cousins in the United Kingdom and an old college friend. My cousins and I have not seen each other since we were kids – literally, like when we were 7 or 8. As for my college friend; well, it’s been about 10 years since we graduated. ‘Nuff said. I am just amazed. I’ll let you ponder this for a while!


Ok, enough pondering. Amazing as the internet may be, it is like raw power that needs to be harnessed. You really can't do anything on the internet without applications, right? I mean, picture the internet as an empty room. Regardless of how vast the room may be, you will eventually get bored if there's nothing to do or see in the room. Right? So, you need to furnish your room -- with furniture and art and give each space in the room a function and a purpose. That's where websites come in. Without websites and the functions and purposes the websites provide, the internet would be pretty boring. Alright, enough of my rambling. Go have fun on the internet. Blessed be!

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