Friday, June 20, 2008

Deck 2008

Some pics of plants this year.

The Deck 2008

Some of the plants on the deck this year. Most of it came back from last year except the annuals.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's been awhile -- I am boring!

It's been awhile since I posted and I guess it is because I am basically a pretty boring person; often choosing sedentary over activity. I have been planting and taking care of my plants though. They are on the deck and enjoy the (arguably) warmer weather here in Chicago. This year, I spent only about $100 on plants -- which is significantly less than past years.

Most of my plants came back this year -- which is great! The Clematis are blooming like crazy -- the Josephine is gorgeous, and I am seeing the Crystal Fountain for the first time this year. Seems like the Crystal Fountain will need another year to get fully established. One of the Brugmansia finally bloomed at the end of the season last year but I think it is in need of a little more time to establish itself again this year. I sort of cut the tree in half in late winter and rooted the top half again. The bottom half had root so it just put out additional branches. I am hoping that the Brugmansia will bloom mid season this year as opposed to late season like last year. From what I saw, the blooms are large and very fragrant.

The plumeria all came back this year as well. Some took a little longer than others but they are all putting out leaves now. Don't know if I am going to see bloom anytime soon but I am just glad that they are all alive. I got a Clivia from a friend last year that was a baby from his mother plant. I didn't expect much but, the little darling, is blooming right now. What I did was started watering in early Spring and used some Bloom Plus fertilizer, it didn't do anything for a while and then when the weather was warm enough (above 50 degrees), I put it outside. I kept watering but didn't really paid much attention and then the other day -- lo and behold, there was a flower scape. I have 2 other baby Clivia that I bought last year, they are getting bigger and putting out more leaves. Hurray! I started a bunch from seeds as well last year and of the lot, five survived. Will keep working on them but who knows when they will become a tree like plant!

The Goldfish plant was looking pretty sad during the winter after having lost quite a bit of leaves but it is rebounding well since it has gone back outside. New branches are coming out and it looks like it is going to be pretty full looking by mid season. Don't know if it will bloom this year but the other one is blooming so I am not complaining.

The Michelia Alba also rebounded well. I went on a three week vacation in the winter this year and when I got back, the leaves on the Michelia Alba had all dried up. I watered it on and off during the winter and in the spring it started putting out buds. Some of the buds are now branches and the tree looks a littel lop sided but who cares. As long as it is alive and happy and will, eventually, bloom for me, I am happy.

The fuchsia also came back strong this year. Hasn't started blooming yet but I am expecting it to bloom soon.

The Amaryllis Lemon Lime also bloomed in the winter and even had a seed pod even though I did not propagate it this year. One of the bulbs seems to be putting out a side-shoot as well. I stared some from seeds too and three survived. I repotted them this year into one large bowl. I noticed they are starting to have their own little bulb. How cute!

Tuber rose came back too! I think it decided to do it by itself. I had it sitting on the window sill in the kitchen and then, all of a sudden, little green shoots started coming out. I think it decided that it was warm enough to take a peek.

So, that's all of the major plants I have -- at least those that I can name and those that I can't are doing well too.

Now, a moment of silence for the casualties -- Alocasia Black Mask, Brugmansia Coral Pink, Euphorbia, Star Jasmine, and a Gardenia plant. Rest in Peace.